Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

We had our church Halloween party and chili cook-off on Friday. The kids had decided to go with the Star Wars theme this year. I thought it would be pretty easy to make the costumes, but last weekend I started thinking more about it and realized that I had gotten in a little over my head considering I hadn't started making anything yet and I don't really sew anyway. I called up my friend Shelley, who was so wonderful to agree to help me make Hero's Princess Leia dress. So Thursday night I headed to Greensboro, where Shelley and I got to work coming up with a pattern. We worked hard for hours, but had so much fun hanging out. I ended up getting home around 2:30am with a good portion of the dress done, but needing to wake up at 6am to get the kids ready and take Hero to school. Working on very little sleep I somehow managed to get the rest of the dress finished on my own Friday, but was still sewing at 5:30 and the party started at 6pm. We were an hour late, but we made it and the kids still had fun! I'm pretty proud of how the dress turned out and Hero loved it! I couldn't have done it without Shelley though, so Shelley thank you sooooooo, soooooo much! I definitely owe you! I hope you managed to catch up on your sleep. Corbin was Luke Skywalker (I plan on making a better costume this week before Halloween, but just didn't have time to get both done before the church party) and Bastian was Yoda. I bought his costume and he loved it and didn't try taking off the hat. He actually really wanted to wear it!


Kim said...

They really looked awesome. I told my children we need a theme for next year. Great job on the dress, I'm so glad you got it done.

shelley said...

yay! the dress really does look awesome and it fits perfect!!! i guess the arms worked out? i had so much fun with you too and it was great to stay up late and get delirious with a girlfriend. reminded me of being in college. and shaelyn slept in til 10:30 the next morning, so you were the only one who got the raw end of the deal over there. i thought of you hitting yourself over the head with a water bottle all the way home... :)

Stephanie said...

Darling! I wanted that yoda costume so bad for one of my kids the first year it came out, but they were sold out everywhere (we ended up making his ears out of plant foam). Two of my kids are Star Wars characters this year, too. We have a clonetrooper and a Jango Fett (but I just bought the costumes. I'm definitely not a supermom like you. ;))

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

Cute, cute, totally cute.

Danielle said...

So cute! Bastian looks so grown-up in his costume. He is definitely not a baby anymore. The dress is lovely. You and Shelley did a fabulous job!

Good luck on finishing Corbin's costume. Hopefully you won't have to pull another all-nighter.